Monday, July 11, 2005

No Rants...Just Thoughts

Well, it is Monday afternoon after a very busy and interesting weekend. Today I really felt the need to get out and spend some time with God at one of my favorite places in the world...a waterfalls that is about 10 minutes from my house. An older picture is above. It's not fall here yet. My favorite times with God are when I am alone and away from my responsibilities at home and work. These are times that I look forward to and when I haven't been able to do it for a while, I start to crave these times alone with God. Today I had one of those cravings.

As I started my walk in from the road I could honestly feel myself relax but also get excited as I could hear the falls get louder. I remember having the same feeling of relaxing and excitement the last time I was given gas at the dentist. I ducked under tree branches and made my way down the hill to the river and at this point I could only hear the rushing water. What an awesome place!! The words of the author Don Miller kept going through my mind, "God did this to dazzle me." This waterfall always dazzles me and I can't help but be amazed at God's incredible creativity.

I was at the waterfalls to do some thinking and I thought I would post some of the stuff that went through my head. Yesterday I had a discussion about whether or not to be bothered with trying to change our church or if it is worth the hastle. I have often thought about Hebrews 12:1 which says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." and wondered if the church is just a hindrance that I should throw off to allow me to run faster. I thought and prayed about that a lot this morning because setting a new reality of what church is, is a huge and bitter project to start on. Do I really want to be a part of that? Do I have the energy to deal with the opposition? Is it worth it?

Two thoughts came to mind in answer to this. The first thought was of Jesus Christ and I wondered if He ever asked the same questions that I was asking; is it worth it? Do I really want to do this? Is there another way? The answer is yes, I think he was asking those questions on the Mount of Olives when He prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." I think he was asking the same questions. Do I really have to do this? Is it worth it? Is there another way? But Jesus was ultimately concerned with doing His Father's will so He accepted what He had to do. When I consider the road that seems to be ahead for me and others who have a burden for changing the perception and reality of what church and Christianity have become, I have to be encouaged that Jesus didn't wuss out on the road to the cross as I have wanted to do. He decided that we are worth it and because of His love for people and my love for Him, I have to accept that this road is worth matter how tough it may be.

The second thought that came to mind was that God must be more concerned with the people who constitute the church than the institution of church itself. This thought really helps me because, in my mind, it allows me to focus on having conversations with people and influencing them to think about Christianity and church in a new way rather than trying to fight the politics of church to see change. I'm really not interested in dealing with the politics and trying to keep people happy. Keeping people happy is what has got us into this mess. The life that Jesus is calling us to is a dirty, messy, beautiful and purposeful place. Accepting the dirty and messy part of the equation is tough. But I'm seeing change already. Some people are starting to think about what church and Christianity should be instead of what they are. That's exciting. My hope and prayer is that God will influence people strongly to be a strong and healthy Body of Christ instead of this week, feeble skeleton that we have become.

Lord, if you are willing, take this cup from me; but not my will but yours be done.



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